When the final approach is too high, lower the flaps as
required. Further reduction in power may be necessary,
while lowering the nose simultaneously to maintain
approach airspeed and steepen the approach path.
[Figure 8-32] When the proper approach path has been
intercepted, adjust the power as required to maintain a
Figure 8-32. Change in glidepath and increase in descent rate for high final approach.
stabilized approach. When steepening the approach
path, however, care must be taken that the descent does
not result in an excessively high sink rate. If a high sink
rate is continued close to the surface, it may be difficult
to slow to a proper rate prior to ground contact. Any
sink rate in excess of 800 - 1,000 feet per minute is considered
excessive. A go-around should be initiated if
the sink rate becomes excessive.
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